Saturday, January 14, 2006

Off to see the wizard...

Off to see our parents anyway. We will be flying back to CO to visit with parents and inlaws tomorrow. I am hopeful that flying with a 4-1/2 month old will not be complete hell, but I have been accused of being an optimist. As of right now, Frontier Airlines has kindly wedged us into a window-middle combination. When I called a week ago to try to get an aisle, they said the seats were locked up until the day of the flight. Hmm... that sounds like complete BS. So we're going to try to get there early and perhaps have Gabriel woo a counter agent into something a little more baby friendly. Of course we are tempting fate with our typically complicated scheme to avoid paying airport parking. Although thankfully it does not involve any public transportation transfers, just a taxi and the questionable proposition of summoning one to the Red Cross office in Burlingame at 7am on a Sunday morning. Wish us luck, eh.
Anyway, as there will be grandparents galore to watch the Gaby-baby, I will have even more time to blog! ... in theory. What I am really looking forward to is going to see a movie: so many choices (I really want to see the new Pride & Prejudice so that I can despise it properly)! and maybe going out to dinner with my husband! So to the two of you who read this (not counting my mother!) we should resume in a week or so.


Blogger jm said...

Will miss you while you're gone!

11:16 AM  

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