Sunday, August 13, 2006

shoeless joe

There have been a few subtle hints from the daycare contingent. We have the only unshod toddler at Fantastic Babes. I find shoes for infants hilarious, though, and have steadfastly refused. It's summer. It's California. And it's better for his feet, they say, to be the barefoot wonder. But now that Gabriel is pulling himself on everything he can reasonably grip, I'm willing to acquiesce. Hookworm and splinters. It's time to buy shoes.
We bought some extremely cheap shoes at Old Navy over the weekend. Gabriel can kick them off with a flip of his foot. Grandma is sending us these.
Thank God for Grandma!


Blogger cmm said...

Grandmas will keep our off-spring stylishly, yet, sensibly shod! Thanks for the tip on the Stride Rites. I got the Robeez in the mail today, put them on the little guy and he looked intensely unhappy. Of course, it had been a long day. Perhaps we will have to start again tomorrow.

8:52 PM  

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