Have been in something of a blogging slump, obviously. Have been in something of a life slump too. No no, have not suddenly taken to drinking 40s on the stoop and watching daytime tv when I really should have been at the hospital making superfluous notes in charts. Although, now that I've written it, that does have a certain appeal. I've just been a bit, well, down, and not really feeling like doing much except crabbing at my husband, kicking the dog and watching CSI reruns on Spike. I know. That bad. I have tried to create a little bubble of sanity around the peekin. It's funny how one can ACT happy and all when the audience goes to bed at 7. I haven't been so great at holding my shit together after 7, however. Furthermore, I have accepted that I cannot reasonably keep this up and am now committed to fixing myself. Oh, fucking, boy. I'm totally gritting my teeth and seeing a therapist. Because that's the best attitude to affect in pursuing help. I HATE sitting across from somebody and talking about my problems. Which is ironic, of course, given the activity I'm involved in right this second, i.e. exposing my problems to all and sundry via the magnificent internet. It all feels like a colossal waste of time and money. And I had to look up how to spell "colossal," because it's a weird word, with the vowels making different sounds. Anyway. I should really go make something for dinner. Ugh...
Must be a slump virus going around. I even feel like I have to look up how to spell virus.
It will get better with watchful waiting, right?
Take care, go for a walk, have some cake, get a massage.
It may very well be the time of year. Fall always has made me a little melancholy. Sigh. I am actually feeling a bit better, thank goodness. And I thank you for checking in!
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