Saturday, October 14, 2006

a new day dawning

Gabriel slept till the almost civilized hour of 7 this morning. I heard him start squawking and padded barefoot across the hall to his room. He stood at the crib rail in his fleece bag, jumping up and down, grinning madly. I picked him up and gave him a big hug, then set him on the floor to change him. As soon as I had his diapers and jammies off the flipped over on his belly, like a cat or a navy seal, and scooted over to the short table by the rocker. He pulled himself up and played with his binkies. I pulled out some clothes for him to wear and looked back over at him to find him on the floor, poking tentatively at a pile of something. I didn't have my glasses on and so crawled over myself and got real close. Poop. A little turd in a lake of diarrhea. Gabriel looked perplexed and somewhat charmed as he examined his handiwork. My clever little guy! I picked him up, getting poo all over me in the process, and handed him off to M, who ran an impromptu morning bath. I commenced the scooping and the scrubbing. I worked at it a while, but t still smells like poo in there.
I'm so over this motherhood thing...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least he didn't eat it.

3:29 PM  
Blogger cmm said...

Ah, yes, I see there now is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.


7:20 PM  

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