Wednesday, December 07, 2005

peasant parenting

So last night around 2, I was lamenting that the latest scheme in getting baby to sleep longer was not working. Focal feeding -- waking up the baby before you go to bed to feed him one last time supposedly to encourage him to sleep right through the night. Except, I, myself, had to be woken up for the focal feeding, as I had gone to bed very shortly after I put the wee one to bed. But still, 3 hours later, who do I hear awake and ready for whatever comes next? I was nearly beside myself, stumbling and blind with fatigue. Gabriel snorting and gurgling away in his crib getting up a good head of steam. I felt betrayed by my experts. I felt like a failure My husband declared that, like Pol Pot, he would be burning all books related to babies and their moods. Shoot the intellectuals, be a peasant, he's just a baby.
He's just a baby. Not an experiment. So at 5 am when he wound up again, I went and got him and brought him into bed with us. I fed him and we all snuggled together for another hour or so. And I felt a lot better.


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