Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I am somewhat bummed that I cannot watch the Olympics this year. I'll admit to being dorky enough to watch ice skating (men & women) and dancing, downhill skiing in it's infinate incarnations, bobsled, luge and any other sport where the commentators get all snarky when they see people falter or wobble or wipe out. I have no patience with curling or hockey; not a big team sports fan, I. I suppose I watched it as a child and imbued it, as the announcers and sentimental back-story pieces suggested, with some sort of national pride and good vs. evil subtext. When really it's just a bunch of people in spandex doing idiotic things like plummeting to their deaths on sleds, skis and skates. Still, I yearn a little to watch whatsername do that weird standing split on her skates, and whoever to wreck-up but good on the luge run. I get all misty eyed when the national anthem plays. I am a big pile of pudding. Sigh. But no, we are not re-installing the cable until M graduates. It was his idea. And since he is by far the biggest sports and TV watcher in the house (if not the western world) I think it was rather a big step for him to take. And I will not be the one to bring us down. If he didn't get his MBA because I reconnected the cable and he got too distracted by snooker on ESPN, well, I would never forgive myself.
By the way, M wants me to acknowledge, and I do with glee, that it was he, yes, he, who got my link list up and running. I'm so pleased. I feel like a real blogger now, oh boy. In reality though, in that big blogging world olympics, I'm the person you never see on TV, eliminated in the first round now sadly packing her bags to slink back to podunkville. There are a lot of people with amazing sites, excellent writing. All of it. Go read those. Still, I'm having fun. And if no one's reading, all the better. I can be just as dumb as I want. And I am.


Blogger jm said...

You are oh so far from dumb in this space. I enjoy the view of your life, so different in many many ways from my own. I'm a voyeur at heart. Also, I have missed you so much and this reminds me of the days when we would converse at the kitchen table over omelettes and mimosas - those days when it felt like we knew everything about each other. I'm missing you terribly....

8:37 PM  
Blogger cmm said...

I think anyone who likes to read is a voyeur. Something so strange and fascinating about the details of another's life -- in fiction or in fact.
I miss that old kitchen table, propped up against the radiator. Mostly, I miss the warmth of friendship that permeated that drafty cold house. We knew it was good, but we didn't know how good. Isn't that life. Sigh. Missing you, too. Feel privileged to participate in your life -- even if it is on-line.

11:29 AM  

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