while I was sleeping
In the past week Gabriel has become a different baby, again. Yesterday, he was sitting on the floor of the kitchen merrily strewing the tupperware lids, spoons and other sundry blunt utensils that comprise the Big Box of Fun. I wandered away, as I am wont to do when G is so enthralled, to check my email or some such silliness. I was engrossed until I heard an eeirie silence. I peered around the corner to witness the little guy industriously tearing pages from the Joy of Cooking with such a look of concentration that I laughed. And then removed the book from his hands. He had humped over on his bottom to the low shelf where I've been stacking cookbooks -- but no more. Later in the day, he discovered that the knobs on the cabinet under the sink reveal a box filled with even more fun: the poorly rinsed cat food cans and wine bottles that make up our recycling. So on with the baby latch. Up with the cookbooks. We have graduated!
He was just pulling out the good recipes for you. :) Perhaps something alighted his taste buds.
This feeling that your blog posts suck - that's common. That's expected. You have to write through it because you never know what's going to speak to someone. And it's all practice. We don't always have a... oh my god! I just saw elan! or however you spell his name. He's pacing in front of the coffee shop! You know, the little guy who was our valedictorian? He and Heather were good friends for awhile weren't they? I wonder what he's doing here. I thought he was a doctor somewhere. weird... Anyway, we don't always have a good yoga class or an enlightening meditation session or a great run. But we do it - we practice. Writing is the same way. We don't have to be brilliant - we just have to practice. I'm going through the same thing and reading Natalie Goldberg has helped me. The idea of practice is hers, not mine.
Practice is good. I'm all about showing up. Not for parties or social event, of course, but you know, if you get out in the day, things are bound to happen. But sometimes I write a few sentences and I can tell it's just going nowhere. Usually it's me that's going no where. I've got to be in the mode, the groove, you know. Sometimes it's better to let it die on the vine. Like this comment. Should delete, but will publish, to prove (nonexistant) point.
I am in the middle of one of these moments and I should also close my computer and take my exhausted and boring self home and feed it in front of the TV. Writing is so hard sometimes.
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